Taking the Plunge! Adults jumping into classes at their POWerful Words Academy!

Given that the Powerful Word of the Month is “health,” I’ve been getting some emails from parents asking me how they can be a good example to their children who are taking classes at one of our fabulous POWerful Words family schools. Some parents took the plunge and started taking classes along side their children! To that, I say, congratulations!

My way of looking at adult exercise and adult physical potential has been completely turned around over the last 2 years. That’s because of Grace. She’s amazing. You will probably hear me talking about her a lot. She can drop into a full split and rest her head right down on the floor. Over the last 2 years she has helped me to become a lot more flexible. Oh—and did I mention, she’s 86 years old?

I was recently asked to write an article for a magazine on body image and activity as adults age (gracefully, right?). Many people, as they get older, become more inactive. While that’s normal, it doesn’t need to be the end of all physical activity. Grace certainly teaches us that.

Since it’s January and the Powerful Word of the Month is Health, you may have wondered if you could join one of those great classes your kids have been enjoying for so long. But perhaps you’ve talked yourself out of it and said, “I couldn’t do that.”

Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, or great grandparent, you can find the right class for you that gets you moving towards health. You might be wondering where to start, how you’ll keep up, and how you’re going to convince yourself to give those classes a try…

Just remember that:

(1) Movements can be modified: While you may not be able to do everything a young person can do right away (especially if you haven’t been active in a while or you have injuries that prevent you from going “full-out”), you can do modified postures, stretches, and skills in each one of our disciplines. Your instructor can help you understand how to modify skills so that they work best for you. Be sure to let your instructor know of any injuries, limitations, or challenges you are having so that they can help you to succeed.

(2) Expectations are set according to an individual’s personal best: You don’t need to look like an Olympian! Your instructor wants you to reach your own personal best at this time in your life. That means; (1) You shouldn’t compare yourselves to anyone else and (2) You shouldn’t compare yourself to what you were once able to do.

(3) It’s about being healthy: As we get older, some of our muscles get tighter as our lifestyle and work support a more sedentary lifestyle. Focus on the ability to move your body and feel good! Physical exercise can help adults of all ages increase balance, flexibility, strength and endurance. Staying physically active and exercising regularly can also help adults to prevent or delay some diseases and disabilities as people grow older and even help improve health for older people who already have diseases and disabilities!

(4) Nobody’s looking at you: You may have already come to the conclusion in life that people are mostly focused on themselves. They don’t care much about what you’re doing or what you look like. But as you get older, it can feel embarrassing when you’re not able to keep up with the Britney Spears crowd. You might feel that people will talk about you if you can’t “do it all” and that you will be in danger of “making a fool out of yourself.” I’m here to tell you, they aren’t looking at you. They’re too busy wondering how they can make themselves the best that they can be to worry about anyone else!

The most important thing is to begin somewhere. After a few months, you’ll likely feel younger and healthier than they have in years!

You can do it!

Dr. Robyn

Can you tell me how to get to Censor-Me Street?

I grew up watching Sesame Street. I loved it. I was particularly fond of the fuzzy monsters that walked the streets, even if they were a little grouchy or made some poor food choices from time to time.

My colleague, Dr. Kerri Augusto, who writes along side of me for Bay State Parent Magazine asked the title question on today’s blog in reaction to hearing that classic Sesame Street videos were being released with a disclaimer stating that they were “for adults only.” “Apparently, Oscar is too grouchy, play spaces are unsafe, and Cookie’s sweet tooth is too sweet,” says Augusto.

While Sesame Street Workshop assures us that the future of Sesame Street does not mean the end of grouchy quips from Oscar or the transition of Cookie Monster into the diet-friendly “Veggie Monster,” the 70s version of Sesame Street is being labeled “inappropriate for today’s children.”

Want to weigh in on the argument? Check out this little video and Dr. Kerri Augusto’s comments and tell us what you think!

Is Cola Really Bad for Your Health?

* Note: While this YouTube shows that there are about 6 grams of sugar in a teaspoon, the actual consenseus is that there are 4 grams in a teaspoon. Therefore, there is a lot more sugar (teaspoons) in cola than shown here. However, the concept of the science experiment is interesting and may be something you would like to show your own children (with the correct amounts of sugar) at home.

Hi everyone!

Hope you’re all having a great Powerful Words “health” month!

Through Powerful Words, your children received some great information this month on making healthy choices– including great nutrition. I came across some information that I thought you’d be interested in considering the Powerful Word of the Month is Health! Remember- the more we educate children about health and healthy choices, the better choices they will make when no adults are available to supervise!

Parent Smart Trivia: How much sugar is in soda? Check out this video for the answer!

We have known from previous studies that Cola is connected to an increase in diabetes, cavities, and weight. But there’s more! Did you know that it is also correlated with an increase in kidney problems?

New information just came out about the negative side of Cola in the Journal of Epidemiology. It’s was detailed in the New York Times recently.

Here’s a quote:

“In a study published in the journal Epidemiology, the team compared the dietary habits of 465 people with chronic kidney disease and 467 healthy people. After controlling for various factors, the team found that drinking two or more colas a day — whether artificially sweetened or regular — was linked to a twofold risk of chronic kidney disease.”

Want to read the whole article? Here it is:


Here’s to Powerful Parenting!,

Dr. Robyn

Welcome to Dr. Robyn Silverman’s Blog for POWerful Parents!

Hello Parents;

So glad you could make it! This blog is for all of you who want to help your children thrive and become the very best that they can be. Allow me to help you by providing resources, statistics and information that will surely make you more informed and better equipped to parent today’s children and tomorrow’s superstars.

Together we can strengthen our families and the future leaders of the world!