Got Gratitude? Use Your Own Personal Appreciation Widget


What is Your Gratitude Widget?

Dr. Robyn J.A. Silverman

All our Powerful Words Member Schools are focusing on Appreciation this Month. How can Powerful Parents continue the lessons of appreciation that the children are learning at their PW schools at home?

We all need reminders to keep us on track, on task, and aware of what propels us forward or pushes us back. This is especially true when it comes to appreciation and gratitude.  Many of us tend to think negatively so we need reminders to tell us to turn it around and think positively. This is where structures of your own personal “widget” comes into play.

As a success coach, I talk to my clients about using structures often. A structure is a something that serves to remind yourself or your children to do something. In this case, I’m talking about taking time to be grateful and to show gratitude. It can be as old school as tying a string around your finger or as new school as setting your blackberry to go off everyday to remind you to do it. There are millions of structures from vision boards to pictures, to a stop watch or a cabbage patch doll. It’s your diary or plan book or the large quote written above your computer— “look on the positive side!” the fortune cookie insert on your night table “Those who are grateful have sweet dreams” or the magnet on your refrigerator “Got Gratitude?” Whatever works for that person is something that can be used.

I have a gratitude stone on my night stand that reminds me to think of the things and people I’m grateful for before I close my eyes at night.  We need more gratitude in our lives– and I do believe my dreams are sweeter because I think of who and what I appreciate as my last thoughts of the night.  What do you think about? Your to-do list? Who angered you that day? The holiday coming up?  Getting stressed out before bed doesn’t help anyone.  As parents we have to both be an example to our children and teach them directly how to think about the good stuff in our lives instead of dwelling on the negative.

What is your appreciation widget?  If you don’t have one this month is the time to get one!  After all, it’s appreciation month at all Powerful Words Member Schools! Let’s show the children what being appreciative is all about so that they too will embody the Powerful Word and share with us what they are grateful for this year! Make a list and share it with the family.  Write a thank-you note or give a thank-you gift. Start today!

Dr. Robyn Silverman signs